Soal Uts/ Pts Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka - Sudah memasuki bulan maret dimana ini menjadi bulan untuk pelaksanaan evaluasi simpulan semester Genap atau semester 2 untuk semua jenjang sesudah dilaksanakannya beberapa pertemuan dan tunjangan bahan pelajaran.

Dengan begitu Bapak/Ibu harus sudah menyiapkan Soal-Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta semester 2 Kelas 7 Mata Pelajaran PAI, PKN, Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, IPA, Bahasa Inggris, IPS, Seni Budaya, Penjaskes, Fisika, Agama Hindu, Buddha, Kristen, Protestan dan Khonghucu sebagai persiapan menjelang acara tersebut.

Sudah memasuki bulan maret dimana ini menjadi bulan untuk pelaksanaan evaluasi simpulan sem Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Adapun Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Semester Genap Kelas 7 SMP/MTs  Kali ini berisikan beberapa Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Beberapa Soal Essay diambil dari Buku Guru dan Siswa kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka Revisi 2024 dari kemdikbud.

Contoh Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d
The text is for numbers 1 – 4
Mr. Beno : Good afternoon, students.
Students : Good afternoon, sir
Mr. Beno : Well, students, I want to Introduce my self. My name is Mr. Beno. I am
fourty years old. I live on Jalan Raya Kecamatan Kedungbanteng

1. Where does the dialogue take place ? in the ...
a. Office
b. School
c. laboratory
d. In the classroom

2. The dialogue above happened in the ...
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
d. Night

3. How old is Mr. Beno ?
a. 40 years old
b. 45 years old
c. 50 years old
d. 60 years old

4. Based on the text above. It is the ... day at school
a. Fourth day
b. Third day
c. Second day
d. First day

5. Look at the picture beside carefully ! Where is the ball ?
a. In the field
b. Between two soccers
c. Under the foots
d. In front of two soccers

6. Rina and susi ... my English teachers
a. Have
b. Is
c. Am
d. Are

The text is for number 7 – 11
My classroom is very big. There are twenty classroom and forty chairs for students. The
teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the
whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there
is a bookshelf. There are two windows in the room. Between the windows is a picture of
Prambanan temple. I like my classroom very much.

7. Where is the picture of Prambanan Temple ?
a. Behind the teacher.
b. Between the two windows.
c. Beside the teacher.
d. Between the doors.

8. How is the writer’s classroom ?
a. It is very big.
b. It is very clean.
c. It is in front of the school
d. It has forty chairs for students

9. Where does the teacher sit ?
a. In front of the classroom.
b. Behind the whiteboard.
c. Behind the table.
d. Under the map.

10. Where is the whiteboard ?
a. Behind the table.
b. Beside the teacher.
c. Behind the teacher.
d. In front of the window.

11. Does the writer like his class very much ?
a. No, it is not.
b. No, it does not.
c. Yes,it is.
d. Yes, he is.

12. change the sentence (in the box below)into negatif form !
( Dina gets up early every morning )
a. Dina don’t get up early every morning.
b. Dina don’t gets up early every morning.
c. Dina doesn’t get up early every morning.
d. Dina doesn’t gets up early every morning.

13. Arrange the words into a good sentence !
Book – good – a – friend – good – a – is
a. A good friend is a good book
b. A friend good is a good book
c. A good book is a good friend
d. A book good is a good friend

Itulah kiranya beberapa soal yang ada di file kali ini. Semoga ini benar-benar sanggup menjadi solusi bagi anda yang membutuhkan serta acuan bagi yang ingin menyusun sendiri Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Semester 2 Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan ketika ini.

Bagi yang membutuhkan soal-soalnya sanggup dengan gampang didapatkan melalui tautan link yang sudah kami sematkan dibawah ini :

Soal UTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka MTs
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran IPA:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran IPS:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran PKN:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran Matematika:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran TIK:
Soal UTS SMP/MTs Kelas 7 semester 2/Genap Mata pelajaran SBK:

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